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About Me

I'm Jeremy Bednarski - Content Marketing Strategist

When I first heard the term “content marketing,” something instantly clicked with me. We can market in a way that’s useful and helpful? We don’t have to try to cram ads and logos in front of people who ignore them? That was the beginning of my transformation in how I market for companies and my clients. 

Now I live and breathe content marketing. I develop marketing strategies centered around relevant content that helps companies grow their brands, build audiences and generate leads. I focus on the problems you solve for your customers. Most recently, I’ve used my experience to help Salesforce grow their Industries business as their Senior Manager of Content Strategy.

I’m also a huge rock music fan. That might seem like a random tidbit, but it’s the key point in my marketing thinking. One of the biggest goals in content marketing is to build your own audience. Who knows how to do that better than a rock band? From standing out among hundreds of bands to turning their audience into paying fans, rock bands have used the principles for a long time. 

My fun is taking those practices and applying them to you and your company. I’ll work with you to help you understand how it all works together. The result is a content strategy to reach the business goals you need. Or, if you just need help with writing specific marketing materials, blog posts, social media posts, articles, etc., I’ll find the right message for the right audience.

Jeremy Bednarski with Gene Simmons Axe Bass

“Jeremy is an avid learner, both on the job and in consuming nearly every marketing book and podcast ever published. His enthusiasm and interest in all things marketing has given him a broad knowledge from which to develop and round out targeted campaign strategies.” – Keith Moehring, L2 Digital

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